what is 'billy's street mission'?

Here are a few of the remaining 25+ dogs that await someone to save them...
The narrative of Billy's Street Mission unfolded organically, weaving through the threads of compassion and desperation. It all started back in September when Shenandoah Shepherd Rescue stumbled upon a heartbreaking scenario involving a defenseless puppy named Billie. Billy, driven by an innate kindness, sought assistance for Billie, who had reportedly fallen victim to a vicious attack by stray dogs. In a swift response, our rescue organization shouldered the burden of medical expenses, laying the groundwork for what would become a profound journey.
However, the pivotal moment arrived on October 1st when Billy's plea reached us once more. This time, the distressing tale revolved around Blackie, an emaciated dog whose face bore the brutal scars of a life fraught with suffering. It was this communication that marked the genesis of a critical mission – the rescue of over 25 neglected dogs inhabiting the desolate stretch known as "Billy's Street" in the Rio Grande Valley (RGV).
The raw essence of this story unfolded in gut-wrenching scenes during our visits to the street, where the team encountered the stark reality of starvation, neglect and dogs desperate for a taste of love. These heart-wrenching moments marked the turning points of the narrative, as we met dogs like Minnie and Homer for the first time, exposing the layers of agony that defined their existence.
Woven through four poignant in-person visits, the journey laid bare the brutal truths faced by these innocent souls. Updates and stories revealed more about the lives in dire need, introducing the Nation to Minnie, Hailey, Homer, and others, each shouldering their own struggles in the relentless fight for survival.
As the rescue mission pressed on, financial constraints, the uphill battle to secure foster homes, and the looming threat of distemper took center stage. In the face of criticism and numerous challenges, our rescue organization remained unwavering in its commitment to saving lives.
Homer, a symbol of our collective determination, stood as a stark reminder of the urgency surrounding the mission. His emaciated frame spoke volumes, and tragically, Homer succumbed to the relentless grip of distemper.
The ongoing saga of Billy's Street serves as an unyielding call for continuous support, be it in the form of donations or foster homes. These stories, etched with pain and resilience, echo the crucial lessons of vaccination, responsible pet ownership, and the undeniable truth that making a difference in their lives requires a united front.